VPAT® 2020

Addteq Accessibility Conformance Report
Based on VPAT® Version 2.4
Name of Product/Version: Unstoppable for Jira & Confluence
Report Date: May 2020
Product Description: Unstoppable is an Atlassian app for Jira, Jira Service Desk & Confluence that provides the ability for visually impaired users to easily navigate the tools.
Contact Information: sales@addteq.com
Evaluation Methods Used: Conformance to the listed accessibility standards has been evaluated by Addteq using a combination of static analysis tools and manual testing with assistive technologies.
Applicable Standards/Guidelines
This report covers the degree of conformance for the following accessibility standard/guidelines:
Standard/Guideline | Included In Report |
Level A (Yes / No ) | |
Level A (Yes / No ) |
The terms used in the Conformance Level information are defined as follows:
- Supports: The functionality of the product has at least one method that meets the criterion without known defects or meets with equivalent facilitation.
- Partially Supports: Some functionality of the product does not meet the criterion.
- Does Not Support: The majority of product functionality does not meet the criterion.
- Not Applicable: The criterion is not relevant to the product.
- Not Evaluated: The product has not been evaluated against the criterion. This can be used only in WCAG 2.0 Level AAA.
WCAG 2.x Report
Note: When reporting on conformance with the WCAG 2.0 Success Criteria, they are scoped for full pages, complete processes, and accessibility-supported ways of using technology as documented in the WCAG 2.0 Conformance Requirements.
Table 1: Success Criteria, Level A
Criteria | Conformance Level | Remarks and Explanations |
1.1.1 Non-text Content (Level A) | Supports | No non-text content |
Supports | No time-based media present | |
1.2.2 Captions (Prerecorded) (Level A) | Supports | No time-based media present |
1.2.3 Audio Description or Media Alternative (Prerecorded) (Level A) | Supports | No time-based media present |
1.3.1 Info and Relationships (Level A) | Supports | Unstoppable inserts relevant aria-tags and updates HTML which enable screen readers to access the content. |
1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence (Level A) | Supports | Unstoppable shows content in a meaningful sequence. |
1.3.3 Sensory Characteristics (Level A) | Supports | Unstoppable inserts relevant aria-tags and updates HTML which enable screen readers to access the content. |
1.4.1 Use of Color (Level A) | Supports | Color is not used for conveying any information. |
1.4.2 Audio Control (Level A) | Supports | No time based media is present. |
2.1.1 Keyboard (Level A) | Supports | All the features supported by Unstoppable can be accessed using the keyboard. |
2.1.2 No Keyboard Trap (Level A) | Supports | No keyboard trap present in the features supported. |
2.1.4 Character Key Shortcuts (Level A 2.1 only) | Supports | Active only on focus: The keyboard shortcut for a user interface component is only active when that component has focus. |
2.2.1 Timing Adjustable (Level A) | Supports | There are no time limits set by Unstoppable content. |
2.2.2 Pause, Stop, Hide (Level A) | Supports | Unstoppable doesn’t contain moving, blinking, scrolling or auto-updating content. |
2.3.1 Three Flashes or Below Threshold (Level A) | Supports | Unstoppable doesn’t contain a part that flashes more than three times in one second. |
2.4.1 Bypass Blocks (Level A) | Supports | |
2.4.2 Page Titled (Level A) | Supports | With the help of Unstoppable and screen reader, the page titles of the supported features can be accessed and read. |
2.4.3 Focus Order (Level A) | Supports | |
2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context) (Level A) | Supports | Unstoppable makes the purpose of links clear without any ambiguity. |
2.5.1 Pointer Gestures (Level A 2.1 only) | Supports | |
2.5.2 Pointer Cancellation (Level A 2.1 only) | Supports | |
2.5.3 Label in Name (Level A 2.1 only) | Supports | User can add, remove and read labels |
2.5.4 Motion Actuation (Level A 2.1 only) | Supports | Unstoppable supported software doesn't require motion actuation |
3.1.1 Language of Page (Level A) | Supports | |
3.2.1 On Focus (Level A) | Supports | Unstoppable does not change context On Focus. |
3.2.2 On Input (Level A) | Supports | Unstoppable does not change context On Input. |
3.3.1 Error Identification (Level A) | Supports | Compliant with features supported by Unstoppable. |
3.3.2 Labels or Instructions (Level A) | Supports | Unstoppable inserts relevant aria-tags and updates HTML which enable screen readers to access the content. |
4.1.1 Parsing (Level A) | Supports | All markups used within Unstoppable are well formed. |
4.1.2 Name, Role, Value (Level A) | Supports | Names, roles and values can be programmatically determined. |
Table 2: Success Criteria, Level AA
Criteria | Conformance Level | Remarks and Explanations |
1.2.4 Captions (Live) (Level AA) | Supports | There is no time based media within Unstoppable. |
1.2.5 Audio Description (Prerecorded) (Level AA) | Supports | There is no time based media within Unstoppable. |
1.3.4 Orientation (Level AA 2.1 only) | Supports | Unstoppable adapts to orientation and screen resize accordingly. |
1.3.5 Identify Input Purpose (Level AA 2.1 only) | Supports | |
1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum) (Level AA) | Does Not Support | Unstoppable doesn’t have different contrast options currently. |
1.4.4 Resize text (Level AA) | Supports | Unstoppable enables screen readers to read context based on aria tags. |
1.4.5 Images of Text (Level AA) | Supports | Unstoppable can read text to convey information. Images of text are not necessary. |
1.4.10 Reflow (Level AA 2.1 only) | Supports | Alternatively user can use customer zoom |
1.4.11 Non-text Contrast (Level AA 2.1 only) | Does Not Support | Unstoppable doesn’t have different contrast options currently. |
1.4.12 Text Spacing (Level AA 2.1 only) | Supports | |
1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus (Level AA 2.1 only) | Supports | Content is Hoverable on hover. Content is Persistent on focus. |
2.4.5 Multiple Ways (Level AA) | Supports | |
2.4.6 Headings and Labels (Level AA) | Supports | |
2.4.7 Focus Visible (Level AA) | Supports | |
3.1.2 Language of Parts (Level AA) | Supports | |
3.2.3 Consistent Navigation (Level AA) | Supports | |
3.2.4 Consistent Identification (Level AA) | Supports | |
3.3.3 Error Suggestion (Level AA) | Supports | |
Supports | ||
4.1.3 Status Messages (Level AA 2.1 only) | Supports |
Table 3: Success Criteria, Level AAA
Criteria | Conformance Level | Remarks and Explanations |
1.2.6 Sign Language (Prerecorded) (Level AAA) | Not Applicable | |
1.2.7 Extended Audio Description (Prerecorded) (Level AAA) | Not Applicable | |
1.2.8 Media Alternative (Prerecorded) (Level AAA) | Not Applicable | |
1.2.9 Audio-only (Live) (Level AAA) | Not Applicable | |
1.3.6 Identify Purpose (Level AAA 2.1 only) | Supports | |
1.4.6 Contrast (Enhanced) (Level AAA) | Not Applicable | |
1.4.7 Low or No Background Audio (Level AAA) | Not Applicable | |
1.4.8 Visual Presentation (Level AAA) | Not Applicable | |
1.4.9 Images of Text (No Exception) (Level AAA) | Not Applicable | |
2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception) (Level AAA) | Supports | |
2.2.3 No Timing (Level AAA) | Supports | Timing is not essential |
2.2.4 Interruptions (Level AAA) | Not Applicable | |
2.2.5 Re-authenticating (Level AAA) | Supports | |
2.2.6 Timeouts (Level AAA 2.1 only) | Supports | |
2.3.2 Three Flashes (Level AAA) | Supports | |
2.3.3 Animation from Interactions (Level AAA 2.1 only) | Supports | |
2.4.8 Location (Level AAA) | Not Applicable | Unstoppable does not require location services as part of its functionality. |
2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only) (Level AAA) | Supports | |
2.4.10 Section Headings (Level AAA) | Supports | |
2.5.5 Target Size (Level AAA 2.1 only) | Supports | |
2.5.6 Concurrent Input Mechanisms (Level AAA 2.1 only) | Supports | |
3.1.3 Unusual Words (Level AAA) | Not Applicable | |
3.1.4 Abbreviations (Level AAA) | Not Applicable | |
3.1.5 Reading Level (Level AAA) | Not Applicable | |
3.1.6 Pronunciation (Level AAA) | Not Applicable | |
3.2.5 Change on Request (Level AAA) | Supports | |
3.3.5 Help (Level AAA) | Supports | |
3.3.6 Error Prevention (All) (Level AAA) | Not Applicable |
Revised Section 508 Report
Functional Performance Criteria (FPC)
Chapter 3:Criteria | Conformance Level | Remarks and Explanations |
302.1 Without Vision | Supports | Unstoppable makes use of HTML tags and ARIA attributes enabling screen readers to identify UI elements. |
302.2 With Limited Vision | Supports | Unstoppable makes use of HTML and ARIA attributes enabling screen readers to identify UI elements. |
302.3 Without Perception of Color | Supports | A textual representation and audio from a screen reader is available for conveying information. Unstoppable doesn’t have any different contrast options currently. |
302.4 Without Hearing | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
302.5 With Limited Hearing | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
302.6 Without Speech | Not Applicable | Unstoppable makes use of HTML and ARIA attributes enabling screen readers to identify UI elements. Speech input is not required. |
302.7 With Limited Manipulation | Not Applicable | Unstoppable supports standard keyboards. Simultaneous actions would include pressing combinations of keys for using keyboard shortcuts. |
302.8 With Limited Reach and Strength | Not Applicable | |
302.9 With Limited Language, Cognitive, and Learning Abilities | Does Not Support |
Chapter 4:Notes: Unstoppable is a web application and is not subject to the requirements of this section.
Chapter 5:Criteria | Conformance Level | Remarks and Explanations |
501.1 Scope – Incorporation of WCAG 2.0 AA | See WCAG 2.0 section | See information in WCAG 2.0 section |
502.2.1 User Control of Accessibility Features | Not Applicable | Unstoppable is a web application. |
502.2.2 No Disruption of Accessibility Features | Not Applicable | Unstoppable is a web application. |
502.3 Accessibility Services | ||
502.3.1 Object Information | Not Applicable | Unstoppable is a web application. |
502.3.2 Modification of Object Information | Not Applicable | Unstoppable is a web application. |
502.3.3 Row, Column, and Headers | Not Applicable | Unstoppable is a web application. |
502.3.4 Values | Not Applicable | Unstoppable is a web application. |
502.3.5 Modification of Values | Not Applicable | Unstoppable is a web application. |
502.3.6 Label Relationships | Not Applicable | Unstoppable is a web application. |
502.3.7 Hierarchical Relationships | Not Applicable | Unstoppable is a web application. |
502.3.8 Text | Not Applicable | Unstoppable is a web application. |
502.3.9 Modification of Text | Not Applicable | Unstoppable is a web application. |
502.3.10 List of Actions | Not Applicable | Unstoppable is a web application. |
502.3.11 Actions on Objects | Not Applicable | Unstoppable is a web application. |
502.3.12 Focus Cursor | Not Applicable | Unstoppable is a web application. |
502.3.13 Modification of Focus Cursor | Not Applicable | Unstoppable is a web application. |
502.3.14 Event Notification | Not Applicable | Unstoppable is a web application. |
502.4 Platform Accessibility Features | Not Applicable | Unstoppable is a web application. |
503.2 User Preferences | Not Applicable | |
503.3 Alternative User Interfaces | Not Applicable | |
503.4 User Controls for Captions and Audio Description | ||
503.4.1 Caption Controls | Not Applicable | |
503.4.2 Audio Description Controls | Not Applicable | |
504.2 Content Creation or Editing (if not authoring tool, enter “not applicable”) | Not Applicable | Unstoppable is not an Authoring tool. |
504.2.1 Preservation of Information Provided for Accessibility in Format Conversion | Not Applicable | Unstoppable is not an Authoring tool. |
504.2.2 PDF Export | Not Applicable | Unstoppable is not an Authoring tool. |
504.3 Prompts | Not Applicable | Unstoppable is not an Authoring tool. |
504.4 Templates | Not Applicable | Unstoppable is not an Authoring tool. |
Support Documentation and Services
Chapter 6:Criteria | Conformance Level | Remarks and Explanations |
601.1 Scope | ||
602.2 Accessibility and Compatibility Features | Not applicable. | Requirement#502 of Chapter 5 applies mainly to software and not to a Web application. |
602.3 Electronic Support Documentation | See WCAG 2.0 section | See information in WCAG 2.0 section |
602.4 Alternate Formats for Non-Electronic Support Documentation | Not applicable. | Support documentation is available electronically. |
603.2 Information on Accessibility and Compatibility Features | Supports | 24/7 Support Service Desk |
603.3 Accommodation of Communication Needs | Supports | Dedicated visually impaired support & testing resources available. |
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