How Addteq integrated Azure AD to Atlassian Tools using SAML

A customer recently wanted to integrate Microsoft Azure AD to Jira using SAML. To do this, we came up with two options:

  1. Install and configure a free plugin and integration provided by Microsoft
  2. Purchase the SAML Single Sign-On (Jira SSO) app from the Atlassian Marketplace, install, and configure it.

Everyone loves free. In that vein, we began with the free plugin provided by Microsoft, and we learned that the adage is true: you get what you pay for.  

Azure Active Directory single sign-on (SSO) integration with Jira SAML SSO by Microsoft

Here is how we integrated the free plugin and integration provided by Microsoft:

  1. Log in to the Jira instance as an administrator.

  2. Hover on the cog and select Add-ons.

  3. Download the plugin from Microsoft Download Center.
  4. Once the plugin is installed, it appears in the User Installed add-ons section of the Manage Add-ons page.
  5. Click Configure to configure the new plugin.
  6. From the Jira side, provide the following three URLs to the Azure team:
    1. Metadata from URL – This should be provided by the Azure team.
    2. Identifier
    3. Reply URL
    4. Sign-On URL

  7. Once you enter the URL provided by the Azure team and click on Resolve, the rest of the fields will populate automatically.

Microsoft Azure Active Directory SSO for JIRA

Microsoft Azure Active Directory SSO part 2


  1. Microsoft officially provides the plugin.
  2. You can achieve the solution without any cost for plugin licenses.
  3. The solution provides options with and without SSO login.


  1. This solution works only with Azure AD.
  2. The plugin did not provide an option to log in with SSO for Jira Service Management.

Since the customer we were dealing with had mission-critical projects in Jira Service Management, this plugin would not work for them. It was for this reason that we looked into a paid marketplace option.

SAML Single Sign On (Jira SSO) Jira SAML SSO

Having built many solutions in the past with this plugin, we selected the SAML Single Sign-On (Jira SSO) app from the Atlassian Marketplace. Here is how we integrated this plugin and integrated it with Jira:

  1. Log in to the Jira instance as an admin.
  2. Click the admin dropdown and choose Atlassian Marketplace.
  3. The Manage add-ons screen loads.
  4. Click Find new apps or Find new add-ons from the left-hand side of the page.
  5. Locate SAML Single Sign-On (Jira SSO) Jira SAML SSO via search.
  6. Install and license the plugin.
  7. Configure the plugin by following the on-screen instructions. The Wizard greets you with information: click “Add new IdP” to proceed.

SAML SSO Welcome

SAML SSO Welcome Screen

IP config Screen

Import Metadata from your IP


  1. The plugin works seamlessly with Jira Service Management.
  2. The plugin is officially available via the Atlassian Marketplace.
  3. It provides both with and without SSO login options.
  4. The plugin is available for other Atlassian Tools also:
    1. Confluence
    2. Bitbucket
    3. Bamboo
    4. Fisheye/Crucible
  5. From experience, we know this marketplace vendor is highly communicative and is ready to do whatever is necessary to ensure their solution works as intended in all Atlassian tool configurations.


  1. Like most things in life, this solution is not free.
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