
How to use the Excellentable Versioning Feature?

What is Excellentable? As you may have read in our previous blogs, Excellentable is an essential Confluence add-on that provides a dynamic and interactive spreadsheet solution for Confluence.

Versioning in Excellentable

Excellentable features are exceeding expectations since version 1. It started with a simple enhancing tables add-on in Confluence to becoming a full fledged spreadsheet by

Addteq Wins the IOT API World Award

  We’re excited to announce Addteq’s Amazon Echo API Integration has received the 2016 API Award for the category: Internet of Things API’s. The 2016

Addteq Sponsors the World of Music Concert

  Princeton, NJ  On Sunday, September 11, 2016 at 3:00 pm  Room to Read’s Central NJ chapter hosted A World of Music at Princeton H.S. The

Office Admin: Flow Diagram

Everyone knows the saying, "a picture is worth a thousands words." What if we were able to make a picture worth more, by making it

Office Admin: Profile Features

What is Office Admin? As you may have seen in our previous blogs, Office Admin is an Atlassian Confluence add-on. With the innovative Floor Plan

Beer & Brag Fridays- An Addteq Tradition

There is something cool that Addteq does every other Friday. We turn down the lights, set up some snacks, tap the keg and come together

Office Admin: Floor Plan

Space allocation is one of the biggest challenges in larger organizations. Finding the location of an employee, printer, fax machine, conference room, office or recreation